Anand Marshall has been practicing Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine since 1998. He has clinics in Harrow and Wood Green and has experience of treating a varienty of conditions including infertility, back pain, stress and sports injuries.
Japanese acupuncturists use much finer needles and use gentler techniques which very often results in the patient not feeling anything Read More…
Herbal Medicine
Japanese doctors have been prescribing Kanpo herbs under the Japanese national health system since 1967 Read More…
Inability to conceive can be due to causes that lie either in the man or the woman or both Read More…
Anand Marshall qualified as a Traditional Acupuncturist from the London School of Traditional Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and as a Kanpo Herbalist from the Japanese Herbal Medicine apprenticeship course.
He undertook post graduate training in Japanese Acupuncture at Westminster University with Dr Stephen Birch.